Join Us or Renew Your Membership
The Manassas Warrenton Camera Club (MWCC) welcomes all photographers – and people interested in photography – as guests to any of our meetings. To take part in competitions, workshops, field trips and the MWCC Meetup Group, you MUST join the club.
Membership dues cover the period from October 1st through September 30th of each club year.
You can sign up at any club meeting using check or cash or online below.
The Club is incorporated as a non-profit organization with a Board voted in annually in accordance with our Members Handbook and Constitution.
If you are an MWCC Club Member and wish to compete in the monthly photographic competitions, please go to the competition website and request an account. All members will be entered in the NOVICE competition category unless you notify the Vice President for Competitions that you wish to advance to a different category.
Join Us
Contact Us
To learn more about MWCC, please come to one of our regular meetings.
If you have any specific questions, please contact us!